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Indiana Dog

The Best Border Collie Around

The Border Collie with the best Smile!

Indiana Dog

What I can Do

Here is a quick video to show you what I can do. Find out more of what I can do by going to My Tricks.

Did someone say puppy pictures?

So here are some of puppy pictures... can you tell its me? wow i was just like yesterday...

Indiana's Favorite Things

Kriser's - its my favorite place to walk and get food. The people who work there are always very happy to see me. You should stop by too - Kriser's

Mighty Dog Toys - these toys are rough and tumble just like Indiana is. If he could pack a bag he would not forget his Mighty Dog Toys - Mighty Toys

RuffWear - what can we say about this... other then Ruffwear has saved the life of Indiana. His webmaster harness help him when it counted, with the ability to help snatch him up contributed to his safety when a rouge Rottweiler attempted to attack him, they make the best gear around! - RuffWear

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